【商品説明】 欅造りの指し物作り重厚なローテーブル 明治時代。欅の一枚板は、元々床板だったようですが、後年に脚を取り付けてローテーブルにしたようです。その時期も指し物作りなので古いですね。味わいあるテーブルです。経年の劣化などは画像・動画などご確認ください。不明点はお問い合わせください。
A solid low table made with keyaki woodware from the Meiji era. It seems that the single piece of zelkova was originally used as a floorboard, but in later years it seems that legs were attached to it and it was turned into a low table. It is old because it was made during that period as well. This is a tasteful table. Please check the images and videos for deterioration over time. Please contact us if you have any questions.
【重要】送料別 Fサイズ 要送料表確認 ↓↓
◎火曜定休 ◎取り置き不可 ◎来店予約不要 ◎代引き&振込手数料ご負担ください。
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