【商品説明】 無垢板造りの昭和レトロ折り畳みローテーブル 昭和中期。この造りは「二月堂机」と呼ばれます。二月堂机とは、奈良の東大寺にある二月堂でお坊さんが一堂に会して食事をする際に使用した、二月堂食堂机(にがつどうじきどうつくえ)が由来となっています。 脚部分を畳むと裏側はフラットな折り畳み仕様になっているので、床の間の置き床としてもお使いいただけ、収納する時もコンパクトになるので複数台あっても置き場所に困りません。
A Showa retro folding low table made of solid wood from the mid-Showa period. This construction is called the "Nigatsudo Desk". The name Nigatsudo Desk comes from the Nigatsudo Dining Table, which was used when monks gathered together to eat at the Nigatsudo Hall at Todaiji Temple in Nara. When the legs are folded, the back side is flat and foldable, so it can be used as a floor for a tokonoma alcove, and it is compact when stored, so you won't have any trouble finding a place to store multiple units. Please check the images and videos for deterioration over time. ([Note] There is a basic limit of 10 images and 30 seconds for videos, so it may not be possible to convey everything.) If you have any questions, please contact us by phone, LINE, email, or Instagram message. We will answer your questions honestly.
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