【商品説明】 和モダンなアンティーク水屋箪笥 大正〜昭和初期の作品。二段重ねで、並べても雰囲気あります。蝿帳の編みも張り替えられていて破れはありません。リビング・キッチンはもちろん書斎に置いても和モダンなインテリアになります。
A Japanese-modern antique Mizuya chest of drawers from the Taisho to early Showa eras. It is two-tiered and looks great lined up side by side. The fly screen has been rewoven and is not torn. It will make a great Japanese-modern interior addition to your living room, kitchen or even your study. Please check the images and videos to see if it has deteriorated over time. ([Note] There is a standard limit of 10 images and30 seconds for videos, so it may not be possible to convey everything.) If you have any questions, please contact us by phone, LINE, email or Instagram message. We will answer your questions honestly.
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