【商品説明】アンティーク水屋箪笥 食器棚 黒柿とガラスの二段重ね網代編み 昭和前期。明るい色合いと各所凝った造りの素敵な水屋箪笥です。大きさも希少サイズの幅4尺。食器棚として存在感あるインテリアアイテムです。前面は希少材「黒柿」の貼り、網代編みの引き戸、ガラス格子戸とガラス蓋と見所ある和風なアンティーク食器棚。店舗の飾棚としても素敵です。引き戸にひびあり。補修痕あり。フレームに毛羽立ちあり。劣化については画像・動画をご確認ください。(【注意】画像は基本10枚、動画は30秒の制限があるため、全て伝えきれていない場合があります)不明点は電話・LINE・メール・Instagramメッセージにてお問い合わせください。誠実にお答えいたします。
Antique Mizuya Chest of Drawers, Dish Cabinet, Black Persimmon and Glass, Two-tiered, Ajiro Weave, Early Showa Period. A lovely Mizuya Chest of Drawers with bright colors and elaborate construction. The size is also rare, 4 shaku wide. It is an interior item with a strong presence as a dish cabinet. The front is covered with rare wood "black persimmon", the sliding door is woven with ajiro weave, the glass lattice door and the glass cover make this a Japanese-style antique dish cabinet with a lot of interesting features. It is also great as a display shelf in a store. There is a crack on the sliding door. There are repair marks. The frame is frayed. Please check the images and videos for deterioration. ([Note] There is a basic limit of 10 images and 30 seconds for videos, so it may not be possible to convey everything.) If you have any questions, please contact us by phone, LINE, email, or Instagram message. We will answer your questions honestly.
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