【商品説明】昭和レトロ折り畳み角ちゃぶ台 昭和前期 昭和の卓袱台の良さ。昭和の卓袱台は、現代の家具にはない魅力がたくさんあります。温かみのある木目: 天然の木材で作られており、木の温もりと優しい木目が特徴です。家族団らんの象徴: 家族が集まって食事をしたり、団欒をしたりするのに最適な大きさです。
Showa retro folding square chabudai early Showa period The goodness of Showa table. Showa table has many charms that modern furniture does not have. Warm wood grain: Made of natural wood, it features the warmth of wood and gentle wood grain. Symbol of family gathering: It is the perfect size for the family to gather and eat or have a family time.
The retro design that reminds us of the Showa era is attractive.
If you have any questions, please contact us by phone, LINE, email, or Instagram message. We will answer your questions honestly.
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